On behalf of The American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and the Argentine Association of Petroleum Geologists and Geophysicists (AAGGP), I am pleased to welcome you to the AAPG 2019 International Conference and Exhibition (ICE) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 27–30 August.
The conference theme, “Expanding Frontiers and Unlocking Resources for Future Generations,” is key for those of us in industry who seek to stay resilient while facing a challenging energy future. This global scenario will lead the conference agenda.
The ICE technical program encompasses eight themes: Basins and Petroleum Systems; Unconventional Resources; Structural Geology; Tectonics and Geomechanics; Stratigraphy and Sedimentology; Geophysics, Deep-Water Exploration and Production; Mature Fields; and Energy and Environment. The program also features special sessions dedicated to Global Super Basins and Challenges and Opportunities for Unconventional Reservoirs. Pre-conference field trips and short courses as well as special programs for students and young professionals will be taking place throughout the week.
The regional view of the energy business is also an important part of the ICE agenda, which includes Special Country Sessions, a Regulators’ Forum, and National and International Oil Companies’ Forums. These high-level sessions will provide insights from the organizations tasked with implementing energy policies and from company leaders facing the challenges of future energy scenarios.
Take advantage of this excellent opportunity for you to learn from and interact with different geoscientists from the global community in one of South America’s most iconic cities.
All this is possible thanks to the contributions of companies, engagement from AAPG and AAGGP, and the enormous effort from countless volunteers.
Welcome to the wonderful city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Carlos Colo

General Chair
ICE 2019 Organizing Committee